Roy Lilley
Dealing with Difficult People
Серия: Creating Success Series
Издательство: Kogan Page, 2013 г.
0-7494-6694-4, 978-0-7494-6694-7
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 166 стр.
Workplaces are filled with all types of people, and some of them can be very difficult to get along with. By understanding difficult people and their behaviors, a savvy individual can resolve the awkward and problematic situations created by difficult people.
Dealing with Difficult People looks at difficult behavior - what drives it and how to cope with it. Issues Roy Lilley discusses include: recognizing the different types of difficult person, handling aggressive people, handling conflict, motivating lazy colleagues, dealing with difficult customers, and handling complaints. He has also included new advice on conflict, cyberbullying and setting guidelines for social media use at work, as well as examples of dialogue in dealing with difficult customers.
Practical and accessible, this book is recommended for managers looking to improve performance, sales people looking to win more business, or anyone who has to deal with difficult colleagues or the public.
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