Tim Parsons
Thinking. Objects. Contemporary Approaches to Product Design
Серия: AVA Academia Advanced Title
Издательство: Ava Publishing, 2009 г.
Книгопечатная продукция
Объем: 208 стр.
Product designers have gone from being the packagers of engineering to developing a holistic understanding of objects. They have acquired human-centred perspectives, embraced semiotics and cognitive science, and warned us of the potential applications for technologies beyond our control. Design has stepped into the envisioning of new business directions and ways in which consumers can become more involved in shaping their surroundings. Through all this it has not lost touch with the physical substance of the object itself and the refinement and exploration of new forms.
This book is liberal in its definition of product design, embracing many categories of object and including both critical and commercial work. It aims to help readers grasp the breadth of design activity happening today by identifying approaches that are applied across different object types. It explains and questions prescribed design methodologies and discusses the dual values of logic and intuition that intermingle in the design process. By setting design in the context of a personal journey in which every decision helps determine a unique expression of values, Thinking Objects challenges the reader to define how they will affect the world by design.
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