Donna Dunning
TLC at Work: Training, Leading, Coaching All Types for Star Performance
Книгопечатная продукция
In her highly acclaimed first book, WHAT`S YOUR TYPE OF CAREER?, Donna Dunning delivered a set of powerful tools that for the first time linked personality type to career success and helped thousands of individuals chart a path to professional growth andgreater job satisfaction. She now turns her attention to the coaches, counselors, and trainers responsible for fostering workplace development, establishing benchmark performance, and preparing today`s diverse and multicultural workforce to meet tomorrow`s greatest challenges.
Drawing on the key concepts of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(r) and her 20 years of experience working with personality type, Dunning presents a start-to-finish process and toolbox of hands-on, interactive resources that tie personality type to performance improvement. TLC AT WORK explores the core practitioner competencies that lay the groundwork for a trust-based working relationship and for learning effective techniques to create, coach, and monitor a development plan withothers. Dunning then turns the spotlight on the five core competencies every worker needs to succeed in today`s workplace: self-responsibility, communication, mindfulness, productivity, and proactivity. With powerful assessment tools and checklists, practical tips and step-by-step advice, a sample development plan, and a detailed guide to eight distinct ways of working based on type, this comprehensive fieldbook provides all the resources needed to establish measurable competencies for specific and definable work roles that accommodate differences, help individuals excel, and contribute to improved overall business performance.
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